How To Make Verification Blog To google webmaster

How To Make Verification Blog To google webmaster

To be recognized by google your blog then you need to do the verification of your blog to google webmaster and here's how step by step

1. Log in webmaster tools account Here 

2.Klik add site dan masukkan url website atau blog anda
3. Put your blog url here and click Continue

4.After it would appear that the information you have successfully added your website

5.The it click on the top right side gear and choose menu Verification detail

6. Then click the verification using a different method

7. Click HTML tags 

8. Copy Verivication script for put it on your website

9. Login to your Blogger panel 

10 . Looking for   </head> code

11.Paste that script under </head > code

12.Click Save your template

13.Come back to webmaster too

14. Click Verivy 

13. Finish

Well now your blog is listed in the Google database and ready to receive the gift of the search engine traffict

1. Your blog will be easily indexed by google 

2.In an effort to increase page rank in google blog 

3.As a result, the blog will get many visitors 

you live next step is trying to meet your blog with useful content

Cara Memperbaiki Tag H1 Yang Bad Pada Blogspot

Sebagai seorang bloger anda harus tahu akan pentingnya sebuah kepala blog karena kepala blog inilah yang akan menjadi kunci seberapa berhasil blog anda dimata search engine
Bila anda sudah memeriksa kwalitas seo blog anda dan hasilnya ada keterangan H1 BAD itu artinya anda harus membetulkan posisi tag h1 agar bloga anda memiliki kepala untuk dikenali oleh search engine

Nah agar tampilan hasil check seo anda seperti diatas maka anda harus melakukanlangkah dibawah ini

1. check seo anda disini 
2.Periksa kwalitas seo anda dan bila anda menemukan keterangan Heading h1 is bad maka anda perlu melakukan ini

1. Login ke blogger silahkan pilih template >> Edit HTML
2. Cari kode yang mirip dengan kode dibawah ini :

<div id='header-inner'>
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'>
<img expr:alt='data:title' expr:height='data:height' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId +&quot;_headerimg&quot;' expr:src='data:sourceUrl' expr:width='data:width' 
style='display: block'/></a>

3. Apabila suda ditemukan, tambahkan Tag H1 pada HTML tersebut seperti yang dicontohkan di bawah ini 

 <div id='header-inner'>
<h1><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'>
<img expr:alt='data:title' expr:height='data:height' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId +&quot;_headerimg&quot;' expr:src='data:sourceUrl' expr:width='data:width' 
style='display: block'/></a></h1>

4. Beres deh. Sekarang coba cek lagi blog anda di CHKME TOOLS. 

an hasilnya SEO anda akan mencapai 100% seperti dibawah ini

Namun demikian ini bukan satu-satunya penyebab menurunya kwalitas seo anda karena banyak faktor juga akan mempengaruhinya

Bila score SEO anda minimal mencapai 80% itu sudah bagus cuma masih kurang silahkan anda optimasi ulang agar mencapai score 100% seperti diatas

Nah demikianlah Cara Memperbaiki Tag H1 Yang Bad Pada Blogspot semoga bermanfaat dan salam blogger

How Does Google Rank Websites?

How Does Google Rank Websites?

How Does Google Rank Websites?
As the largest and most popular search engine Google became the standard for judging how how many of quality a website or blog so that many of the bloggers world is always targeting the first position in google search page 

Well here I am trying to invite you to understand what are standards and how the assessment is done by google

Google often consider several factors when ranking a website in their listings. Through these factors below, you can easily get your website on Google's first page. If your goal is to answer this question on how does Google rank websites, then read on to discover the truth. There are just a few things to remember:

Simple Version:

It is excruciating that so many people do not know Google uses simplicity to rank a website. The topography of your website remains a great factor that Google can apply when ranking a web page. For websites that are carrying simple topography, easy navigation value, Google is sure to rank such web pages higher than others. For this reason, it is often a good idea to always make your website simple to navigate.


When talking about Google's PR system, it clearly displays the format of algorithm used in ranking websites. It is often a probability distribution used to display that people randomly clicked on links prior to getting to your page. This type of algorithm can as well be calculated for the collection of any size of document. Probability is often expressed numerically between zero and one. When you are experiencing a 0.5 probability, it means that people clicked on your page with a guess of 50 percent. The simplified algorithm can as well help Google to rank your website according. It talks about a link from page to page or other multiple options. Google can as well check on this factor when ranking your website.


Building a website and expecting it to be ranked highly on Google's first page may not be possible. This is where many website owners get it wrong. It is possible for sure, but not without help. The amount of links coming from other sources to your page matters the most. If your website is receiving a high number of links from the outside, Google may rank the web page higher. These links must be from high quality websites. 


Content is king and there is no two ways about it. Google usually ranks a website with unique, concise and informative content higher than others. This content makes a more user friendly webpage and a better overall user experience as well. If people like what they read they will come back, maybe even bookmark the page and share on Social Media. Google makes note of this user interaction and helps determine the ranking of the website in the search results.

Well so is some of the most important things about the way google scoring variable for us to know that we are able to build a good quality blog with google eyes

How to Increase Google Page Rank

KnowHow to Increase Google Page Rank

Kno How to Increase Google Page Rank

As a blogger it is proper that we know how to keep a blog that we have built with great effort and a struggle be the best blog in the eyes of google reader as well as a place to get the best resources are always in demand by loyal readers. 
For that of course we should have a page of google strategys our blogs to be able to compete in reaching readers 
And so this time I will invite you to find out how to increase google rankings posted on our blogs to be a quality blog 

And below I will try to give a little information about how to achieve that

Google page rank is a method, or a system used by Google to establish the relevance of a webpage. It's actually a system that ranks web pages, such that, important pages appear as the top results out of any Google search. The higher the page's relevance, the higher the page rank. This system uses the web's link structure as the reflector of value of that particular page. Google carries out interpretation of a link from one page to another. For instance, a link from a page can lead to high rank of another page. If an important page links to another page, it's more likely to make that other page important.

In other words, web pages with hyperlinks get €votes€ from other web pages with hyperlinks. However, links from pages with high ranking receive more weight than just a page with several links. Google works through focusing on the best links that are originating from a web page. It's worth noting that, for a page to get higher ranking, the number of links sent to other sites should be quite few so that the votes from these sites can be valuable. Many votes as a result of linking too many sites will affect individual vote count. However, to attain the top spot in search engines, you must provide high quality content consistently. This allows people to get attracted and link back to their web pages.
Let's look at three (3) useful and popular ways to increase your Google page rank;

Bringing votes to a common pool
This idea is simply identifying the pages that are similar, but recognized as different pages by the search engines. The votes or links you receive are shared among the pages. Therefore, this problem can be solved through informing Google that you need all votes redirected from one page and counted to your page of interest.

Provision of testimonials
There's co-existence among businesses, which enable them to supply their products to customers. You can come up with a list of businesses that you have been using and decide to offer them testimonials. It's expected that these companies will establish a page on their sites purposely for testimonials. If a customer testifies his or her satisfaction out of a particular business, obviously the company/business must link back to your site.

Targeting the right keyword
Targeting wrong keywords is the start of failing, and some websites have fallen as victims. It's good to take time and analyze specific keywords that will generate conversations, as well as, profits. You can achieve this by installing Google Analytics software on your website, which enables you to view visitors' interactions in the site. It's advisable to consider keywords as per multiples of volume, conversation rate, and competitiveness, other than broad and high volume keywords.
In conclusion, there're many established and new companies that have increased competition in online marketing of products. However, to put your business at the top stop online depends on the strategies you put forward. Google page rank system is one of the best to increase more traffic on your business website.
Well that's a few things we can do to improve the assessment page ranking in google, hopefully this bit of information that is able to make a positive contribution to your

Good and Beauty article became the target google

 Good and Beauty article became the target google

How Search Engines Get Articles On The Internet ..???
How does a search engine get our articles in search ... ?? 

Yes we need to know how can a search engine to get an article when we write a keyword and search engine present it to us so that we know what are the things we can do to build a blog properly in accordance with the criteria specified by the search engine and then present it to our readers ... ??

Every day we go through experiences that are worth letting others know about. It could be a new product or service that you are releasing to the market or even creating awareness on product improvements or giving product reviews. It could also be an issue that makes you enthusiastic enough to feel like letting the whole world know.

Other than submitting an interesting video on YouTube, many people also choose to write about their issues, products, services or events that matter. Whichever the form of writing they engage in, all require that they submit their writing in order to communicate their intended meaning to the correct audience. But how do you share your words easily and quickly? Should you build a whole website dedicated to your topic? Maybe create a blog that emphasizes certain keywords you want to discuss? Many people choose to write an online article! It's easier, and usually garners more web traffic more quickly.

On the other side of the ever growing internet, search engines engage in the bulk of making sure that searchers get the most-relevant result based on their search phrases. In order to achieve this, they optimize the articles submitted so as to be able to give search suggestions to people seeking content of a particular type. This also enables knowing exactly where to easily access content on various topics. For quick access and search suggestion-generation, links to content are a must. Since search engines interpret searches on how often they occur and the keywords involved, most of the traffic will likely be linked to pages relating to trending topics.

In order to get your content and keywords to a largest audience in a short time, what matters most is visibility. This means appearing at the top in search engine results for terms that are related to your content. For this to happen, your websites need to be optimized for search engines in order to stand out from a lot of other sites in the same category. Sites that standout from others get more visits thus the owner has a high probability of getting potential customers.

In conclusion, though SEO and article submission are not guaranteed to result into top rankings of a web site, they go a long way in assisting you to optimize content on your site in the best way possible. Most importantly they allow you to communicate!

That's how the search engines work in finding an article that we need based on the key that we write and then present it to us 
There are many factors that the reason an article worthy to be shown or not or can be displayed by the search engines or not 
By understanding how the search engines work so we as bloggers have to know a little rahasai the workings of the machine that our blog really into blogs that have the full power

Knowing how people search for things on the internet

Knowing how people search for things on the internet

What Do People Search On The Internet?
As bloggers we have to know how and what is done by people when she searched the internet something that we are able to give them what they need
Trying to understand the habits of people on their way to get information on the internet is very important because of course we hope that any of the information they need right in our blog 

therefore below is a little about how the habit of looking for something on internet
With all the power of the universe available at our very fingertips, what do we do? We argue with casual friends and look at pictures of cats! That's the modern era that we find ourselves in. But what crazy keywords are being searched?
Especially now with a big number of mobile devices and applications being released to the market, many people are now spending more of their time on the web and social media sites so as not to miss out on trending issues, events or news. Despite the myriad of activities going on at a given time, some trend while others come and go even before they are noticed. The big question you would want to ask is why and how does this happen? Well, if this question is already on your mind then stay tuned since this article explores more about the same in the next couple of sections.
Predicting what people are currently searching is one thing that every other person engaged in any form of internet marketing or social media campaign will want to do. What are the hottest keywords? With hundreds of millions of people accessing the internet, then it is pretty hard to predict an accurate result. Sometimes you are just interested in knowing what leads people to your online content or what make searchers arrive at a particular website on the internet. Google trends address all these issues. It is actually a tool that uses real-time search data to help you determine people's search behavior on the internet over time by comparing different words that were searched.
To determine what people search most, navigate to Google trends and set the category of search which could be news, web, image or product search. Select a location to search which can be a given country or worldwide. Set the time of the trend in days, months or years but not below 2004. Finally, select the category to search ranging from games, business, entertainment, beauty etc. you can choose to set it to all categories. Enter different keyword combinations up to 25 words and gauge how often people search for them. 

Using Google trends is what every person wishing for SEO and having a high Google page ranking should do. It is simple to use and the benefits are many. Some of the benefits you get are the ability to optimize the description for your content, use of keyword phrases that will catch traffic for your campaign and ability to make great titles that will boost your link building. This is the best way to determine what people are searching and how to capture the right audience for your own web content.

With understanding bout  some habits that people do in the internet looking for something we would already have the information imagination blog will like what we build will provide information to others, in other words our blog will become more useful as targeted

What Are Kind The Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Technologies Different

What Are Kind The Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Technologies Different

The history of the development of human civilization ruled out. technological progress advances can not be a reflection of modern society technologies are developing very dynamically 
Life as the development of the technology is made even easier due principally to the technology presented for ease of human life as an example of the ease you can see below
You decide to watch a movie and later plan for a dinner outdoors. You start a browser and start looking for movie reviews and restaurants which match your mood. You may go through some short movie reviews and menu lists available at nearby restaurants.
If we start searching for a Chinese restaurant on Google, the result page is flooded with unwanted results. Upon that, we start refining the search and then finally make a decision to embark. To make life easier, Internet experts have come up with a next generation tools and applications which integrate artificial intelligence.

It is Web 3.0, after the advent of this technology the browser would turn into a personal assistant where it can display the results which match your mood and tastes. We consider the same example, here the user has to type a complex query in the search term say, "I stay at baker street, Illinois. I want to see a romantic movie and eat at a good Chinese restaurant".
The browser analyzes your statement and then organizes and display the search results with best possible answers.

More to go! The browser would develop a strategy of knowing the user from a closer context. On regular usage, the browser would start learning the psychology of the user and display the refined results more relevant to the search keywords. Eventually, you may have to ask questions to your browser, by which the browser would seek its previous records considering the user's likes and dislikes, demographics and various other factors before displaying the results.
Before we take a dip into Web 3.0, let's take a look at its previous versions..

Web 2.0 is emerging as the next generation technology in Web Development. It is flexible, versatile and lucid. Most of the designers are getting addicted Web 2.0 as it visually fascinates and enthralls the visitor. Any designer or a site owner who wants to build a website should make a point in selecting the right texture in the background, proper usage of effects, badges, gradients and other tools which can bring out a life!

Sounds little absurd right, but the design patterns that can be developed from Web 2.0 can surpass your imagination.

Web has been the platform for integrating creative ideas and has allowed intellectuals to jointly involve in various activities. There has been a rapid growth in the electronic media in spreading the news across the continents. Using Web 2.0 as the platform, many people and intellectuals are able to share their opinions, thoughts, ideas and experiences on web.
The tools such as RSS, Social bookmaking, Internet marketing, Social Networking, Weblogs etc made an indelible impression on people's lives as it has diminished the socio-economic barriers. Most of the Web2.0 tools are available for free and amongs them the most prominent are

• Blogger
• WordPress
• Orkut
• Myspace
• YouTube
• Metacafe

• Digg

• Furl
• Amazon
• Twitter
• Flickr
Amazon allows the viewers to post the reviews and opinions on various books and other technical stuff, guiding the future users for a best buy. Social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut and Myspace help in creating communities, posting news letters, make new friends and find an easy approach to find each other and stay in touch.

Youtube is one of the robust and efficient ways in sharing videos. The user has to register first and then start uploading the video. All this can be done in a few minutes!

Fundamentals of Web 3.0
Web 3.0 would evolve into a personal assistant by knowing it's user, it would analyze the search criteria and access all the records of internet to answer your query.

Web 2.0 uses the internet to make connections between the people where as the Web 3.0 uses the Internet to establish the connections with information resources.

Making a search with Web 2.0 enabled browser would take a lot of research. This involves a mammoth task as the user has to segregate the search results and then refine for the best.
The search algorithm embedded with the Web 2.0 browser would be based on Keywords. Here, the browser cannot guarantee on content relevancy.

We cannot predict the future technology, but most of the Internet experts say that Web 3.0 would provide results that are more close to the search criteria. The user may have to create a unique internet profile. Based on the user's browsing history the Web 3.0 would gather the user specific search results thus enhancing the browsing experience of an individual.
Even though two different users search with same keywords the results may vary depending upon the user profile.

This application requires state of the art software and tools which aren't out yet. A few services like Pandora and TiVO who thrive to enable this application are based on trial and error methods but Web 3.0 is reach beyond the reach of such software applications.
Experts say that API's (Application Programming Interfaces) would be the building blocks for Web 3.0 technology. They act as an interface allowing the application developers to work on certain resources in its development. The best example where an API is implemented would be social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace as they stage games, debates, forums and quizzes.
They also say that instead of the generic markup languages like HTML, PHP etc.. Web 3.0 would start using new markup language which would have advance features in developing the web content.

Using mashup, the Web 2.0 could help in the development of Web 3.0. by merging two or more applications into a single application. For example you like playing games and also chat with your friends. The new mashup application helps in integrating these two activities in to one.
The best example would be a game called UNO on Facebook, this connects the random users who currently logged on to this application. Once they are connected the users can play and chat simultaneously.
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Well says the technological advances that will always be the measuring standard will be a life of simplicity and stadart progress of civilization will always experience growth from time to time in accordance with the level of intelligence and desires of the community. 

As human beings living in modern times we should not be missed by the technological progress that we should not be missed by the human era

Get To Know Bout SEO Technique Reviews

Get To Know Bout SEO Technique Reviews

Hello bloggers .... let's try to find out about all things related to seo techniques are always evolving from time to time 
By knowing a good seo techniques or writing a blog, it is expected that we produce will meet the writing standards set by the search engines and consequently our blog blog quality into the eyes of search engines

Basically there are some SEO techniques that are usually performed by a blogger either consciously or unconsciously, and it is very feasible for us to know as our base material in stride as a blogger

Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about employing various techniques with the aim of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a particular website. A successful SEO campaign helps a website to good rankings. A well ranked website has very high chances of getting the desired volume and quality of traffic. The techniques you use in your campaign determine whether you are achieving Gray hat or white hat SEO.
Gray hat SEO refers to the use of SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that don't conform to the published search engine guidelines. On the other hand, above board techniques involve the use of SEO techniques and tactics that are not contrary to the published Google rules. In order to make good Gray hat techniques vs white hat techniques comparisons better, we shall discuss each one of them separately.

The emergence of Gray hat SEO has been driven by the fact that Google algorithms can be deceived. Its main focus is on how to trick search engines so that they rank their websites high. These websites pop up quickly and reflect on search results. Such websites can go a long way without being discovered by search engines.
Gray hat techniques involve the use of things such as keyword stuffing, hidden text, link farms, paid links, doorway pages, content cloaking, parasite hosting, scraping/content spinning, and blog spamming. There are also other dirty techniques, but they have been categorized under grey hat SEO.

This is what Google considers as ethical SEO. White hat uses techniques that can defend themselves because they conform to the search engine rules. They focus on both the search engines and human audience. These proper techniques don't reflect their ability suddenly by popping up on search results. It takes time in order to build up the progress. White hat SEO involves the use of tactics such as site optimization, quality content, internal linking, link baiting, and guest blogging.

There are advantages associated with both techniques. Questionable

SEO techniques achieve rankings quite fast but the results are short lived. However, Gray hat can only be used for a short term SEO strategies. Moreover, it provides poor user experience alongside the high level of risk involved. The risk is high because if the website is discovered by the search engines, the only solution is to pack up and go home.

On the other hand, even though white hat SEO techniques take long to achieve search engine rankings, it's suitable for long term SEO strategies. Moreover, they provide the best user experience and there are no risks involved.
I hope this Gray hat SEO vs white hat SEO review is enjoyable and worth reading.

Whether we realize it or not the above two techniques seo becomes a habit among bloggers around the world and we want to choose which one was returned to you as an independent blogger and all the consequences of your own also feel the results

you want to be a gray hat or white hat seo technique seo techniques all go back to your own

How to Make & Install Meta Tags Seo Friendly In Blogger

This time we will learn how to put Meta tags are valid html5 friendly to Search engine Given the importance we add a Meta tag to our blog to our blog easily found by search msein like google, bing and other

We live it to the subject under discussion is

1.Login to your blogger 
2. Click the "template" 
3. Click the "Edit HTML" 
4. Find the code <head> 

     Place the following code right below the code <head>

Copy this script 

<meta charset='utf-8'/>
<link href='' rel='canonical'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/> SIMPLE BLOG DESCRIPTION </title> <b:else/><title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<meta content='YOUR BLOG DISCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEY WORD 1,2,3,4' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<meta content='GOOGLE VERIVICATION SITE' name='google-site-verification'/>
<meta content='BING VERIVICATION SITE' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='ALEXA VERIVICATION' name='alexaVerifyID'/>
<meta content='2 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='id' name=''/>
<meta content='Indonesia' name='geo.placename'/>
<meta content=' Author NAME' name='author'/>
<meta content='all' name='Slurp'/>
<meta content='width=device-width' name='viewport'/>
<link href='' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon'/>
<link href='' rel='alternate' title='Atom' type='application/atom+xml'/>
<link href='' rel='alternate' title='RSS Feeds' type='application/atom+xml'/>
<link href='' rel='openid.server'/>
<link href='' rel='openid.delegate'/>

2.Than clcik on TEMPLATE >>>>> EDIT HTMLThan paste the code above under <head>


Paste script here


After that Click SAVE TEMPLATE and you have meta tag with valid 5 html on your blog and its will be seo friendly

4 Tips to Improve Image Optimization SEO (and Traffic)

4 Tips to Improve Image Optimization SEO (and Traffic)

As the blog content, image is one of the important elements. Even for some blog (photo blog, info graphic blogs, and other image-based blog) image is the main content. In the world of web 2.0, the image has become a visual object into a daily meal. Just look at the web-a web of social curation like Pinterest and Instagram are now the majority continues to be a favorite Internet user. 

On the other hand, Google Image Search (Google image search engine) is the largest and the main source of Internet users to search for images as desired. Therefore, as a source of traffic, search engine optimization (SEO) through an image that is not less important part. Excavation traffic from google image search can not be underestimated, because it provides a significant amount. In Google's own search, optimization of images also can provide value, especially to the enrichment of the keyword in the content. (the alt attribute and the name of the file). 

In my opinion, this is very important if your content contains a picture, well .. although the only one. And of course, this becomes  SUPREME VERY IMPORTANT if your blog content-based image, because many optimalisation slightly different from SEO content writing / article like most blogs. What's more, the new layout of Google Image search allows the user to get various information about the image, including the image source link loader page. 

Seo picture

In other blogs, I've talked about the relevance of the alt attribute on the image for visitors and search engines. The emphasis is on how the alt attribute to provide value, support, and descriptions for both. On this occasion, I will be specializing in the optimization of the image in the context of SEO and Blogger. More or less the same tips will be found, but it would be my titikberatkan for Blogger users. 

Well, to take advantage of the optimal picture in terms of SEO, here are 4 tips core that I've prepared for you: 

1 Use the File Name Image

Simple file name is a unique identity of the file, the same should not be in a folder on a computer, and an absolute identification tool. As these functions, the file name that will clearly provide a clear description as well. It also applies to web pages. Individual web page that displays the image files as well as other files, such as html files, php, asp, and so on. 


As permalink url optimization web / blog, you also need to pay attention to the image permalink. Before uploading the image, change the file name to be more descriptive. For example, you just make photos with a digital camera or smartphone camera, hence the name of the image file will be named automatically according to the settings, example: Photoa11234.jpg. Change the file name be descriptive, provides a description of the photo. Add a hyphen (strips) to provide a space, the same as the file name in the permalink page of the blog. 

Example: photo-legian-bali-beach-2013.jpg 

The file name is descriptive rather long and it does not matter, as long as it is not flooded with the same keyword repeatedly. 

2 Use Alt Text (Alt Text Attributes) 

In addition to the benefit of visitors if the image fails to be loaded by the browser or for some other reason, the text in the alt attribute has a descriptive function for the search engines. Search engines can not "see" images. He can only "read" the text. The text in the alt serves as the anchor text (the same as the anchor text link). Alt could be more descriptive than the name of the image file. But of course the same condition, not flooded with keywords. 

Examples in the alt tag and image link: 

<A href = "url image or a specific page url"> <img alt = "I've been with my boyfriend on the beach legian bali" src = "urlgambar" /> 

How to Add alt text in Blogger 

Method 1: You can add text to the image tag like the example above, namely through the "HTML" mode in the post editor after uploading the image. 

Method 2: Click on the image that appears in the post editor after uploaded and inserted into the post. Menu will appear like the example below, then click "properties".

Optimasi gambar

3 File Size Picture 

Although Google does not specify the size of a particular file on a decent image indexed, but Google implied discuss this. Submitted that the weight of a page that is too large affect web loading, and this certainly affects the user. It became a separate consideration for Google because Google is very concerned user experience. Therefore, to some extent, the speed of loading web / blog affect SEO. One of the causes, even for the largest, a web page was a picture to be very heavy. Therefore, the optimized image file size is very important. Use compression and image optimization tool that does not diminish the quality of, for example, you can perform compression and optimization with PNGGauntlet PNG. 

Figure 4. Surrounding Text 

Similarly, the influence of the surrounding text of the link (content relevance), the text around the image also influential for their representation and emphasis on the relevance of the topic being discussed (in the picture). Why is that? Because keywords in the text around the image or text within a page where there is a picture to give information as well as encourage Google to take that into account. Make sure the description (file names and alt text) your images are relevant to the surrounding text, and vice versa. Use of caption / description text below the image (optional) is also part of the text surrounding the image. 

As a content, images need to be considered its use. The use of an appropriate description would be good not only on the user, but also the SEO efforts and efforts to increase traffic. There are four important elements to note: the image file name, text in the alt attribute, image size, and the text surrounding the image. Finally, of course all of these efforts back to your creativity in optimizing these four. If you want to learn more about the relevance of web images, alt attribute, web visitors, and SEO