How To Make Verification Blog To google webmaster

How To Make Verification Blog To google webmaster

To be recognized by google your blog then you need to do the verification of your blog to google webmaster and here's how step by step

1. Log in webmaster tools account Here 

2.Klik add site dan masukkan url website atau blog anda
3. Put your blog url here and click Continue

4.After it would appear that the information you have successfully added your website

5.The it click on the top right side gear and choose menu Verification detail

6. Then click the verification using a different method

7. Click HTML tags 

8. Copy Verivication script for put it on your website

9. Login to your Blogger panel 

10 . Looking for   </head> code

11.Paste that script under </head > code

12.Click Save your template

13.Come back to webmaster too

14. Click Verivy 

13. Finish

Well now your blog is listed in the Google database and ready to receive the gift of the search engine traffict

1. Your blog will be easily indexed by google 

2.In an effort to increase page rank in google blog 

3.As a result, the blog will get many visitors 

you live next step is trying to meet your blog with useful content